
3 Days till departure~

Hey everyone. My name is Jen and this is my stellarly fabulous travel blog. In 3 days I will be going "down under" to Australia for a short term study abroad course on Tropical Marine Ecology. I am honestly so excited. Like I cannot even contain it. 

I just started to pack and its literally like a bomb went off. I have not idea how I am going to fit everything inside of the suitcase and NOT exceed the weight limit. It will be challenge along with my on going battle to pack outfits that well, at least kind of match. A task that would be viewed as simple from the outside eye but here in the battle zone of my bedroom it continues to be a challenge.  We will just have to wait and see I guess. I'm very excited to get to use my "space pen" soon. More on that later though for those of you who have never heard this story 27 times.

In a few minutes my sisters Alicia and V are heading out with me to buy a few other last minute random things like ziploc bags for the trip. V will help me make sure everything matches for the most part I bet.

Anyways I'm very excited to fill you guys all on in my adventures snorkeling and diving Aussie. This is my first big trip since I went to Italy 4 years ago with my Latin Class. It's going to rock. 

Till next time when this Girl Meets World.


  1. SOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to here about australia although i am still upset your not going to be at commencement but this is truly much more exciting :)

    ps jen i am using twitter to follow your blog!!! OMG ... i don't even know how it happened. :P

  2. You should bring some shrimp on a barbie!
