
Kickin' It Kangaroo Jack Style

Today we went over to Point Look out on Straddie. It was sooo gorgeous. Its about a 30 minute bus ride from the research center. We started by doing the gorge walk. We walked through this tropical trail and eventually ended up on these rocks that overlooked the ocean, along the way Glen pointed out lots of the cool little plants along the side of the paths. You could see a group of dolphins jumping through the water. I was so happy that I brought my binoculars. It was so stellar to be able to see so many dolphins just swimming around freely in the ocean.  We walked out really far and close to edge and took tons of photos. Shortly after though my camera died because I forgot to charge it last night. 

We started to walk up the path again and we saw 2 kangaroo just chilling up on the hill. It was very fabulous. I was so excited to see a kangaroo in the wild. Then it started to downpour so we ran into town where I got the most amazing coffee ever. It was called flat white coffee. It was sort of like a latte but different. Its something everyone needs to try. Delish!

View from the path of the Ocean

View from Point Look Out

Then I went and hung out with Kelly. We walked all over and climbed tons of rock structures. We saw so many chitons every where. They were so cool looking. I even saw a little baby one. Too cute! There were also two different gastropods. I really liked the blue pyramid one. It had a white and blue swirl on its shell. Gorgeous! 

View from the gorge

Jordan at the Gorge

Jessica and Jordan at the Gorge

Me at the Gorge

Anyways we found tons of awesome looking sea shells along the beach. I found red ones (my fav), purple ones, black ones, yellow, orange and blue. It was fantastic how much variety there was. We also went and checked out some of the tide pools. There were these little black fish with white stripes swimming in there.

All of a sudden while we were walking, Kelly, Doug and I saw another kangaroo. She was only about 10 feet away from us. She even had a Joey in her pouch. She was eating grass. You could actually hear her chomping away at it. Kelly & Doug took some awesome photos.

We then headed to the beach. On the way we saw yet ANOTHER kangaroo. This one was only about 6 feet away this time and he was itching like crazy. I was so excited to see my first ever itchy kangaroo. I kept wondering what on earth was making him so itchy. It was so funny we watched him for like 10 or 15 minutes and he just kept scratching non-stop. It was too funny. He would look right at us and practically pose for photos. He was a totally ham. Totally my favorite part of today. Kelly took a video of it. So I'll be sure to post that later.

Then we went body surfing in the ocean on Cylinder Beach. Its when you don't have a board and just swim with the waves so it picks your body off the water. It was tons of fun. I actually ended up going in the water with my tank top and capris because I didn't wear my tankini there. It was such a good time.

To end today I got tim tams and a magnum bar. Delish! 

Till tomorrow when we leave Straddie.

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